IRoleData Interface

Defines Role enterprise data.


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Enterprise
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
public interface IRoleData


RoleCount Gets the number of all roles in the enterprise.
Roles Get a list of all roles in the enterprise


GetAdminPermissions Gets a list of all administrative permissions
GetEnforcementsForRole Gets a list of role enforcements for specified role.
GetRoleKey Gets role key.
GetRolePermissions Gets a list administrative permissions for a role
GetRolesForTeam Gets a list of role IDs for specified team.
GetRolesForUser Gets a list of role IDs for specified user.
GetTeamsForRole Gets a list of team UIDs for specified role.
GetUsersForRole Gets a list of user IDs for specified role.
TryGetRole Gets the enterprise role assocoated with the specified ID.

See Also