IBatchVaultOperations Interface

Declares Batch Vault Updater methods


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Vault
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
public interface IBatchVaultOperations


RecordMatch Gets record matching strategy
RootFolder Gets the root folder


AddFolder Appends folder to folder structure
AddRecord Appends record
ApplyChanges Applies pending changes
GetFolderByPath Finds folder node by folder path
IsFolderPending Checks if the folder has to be created
IsRecordPending Checks if the record has to be created
PutUserToSharedFolder Adds (if needed) user or team to the shared folder and set user access permissions.
RemoveUserFromSharedFolder Removes user or team from shared folder.
Reset Resets pending changes
TryGetFolderByUid Gets folder node by folder UID
TryGetRecordByUid Gets record by record UID. Returns both pending and active records.
UpdateFolderName Updates folder name
UpdateRecord Update a record

See Also