public interface IBatchVaultOperations
RecordMatch | Gets record matching strategy |
RootFolder | Gets the root folder |
AddFolder | Appends folder to folder structure |
AddRecord | Appends record |
ApplyChanges | Applies pending changes |
GetFolderByPath | Finds folder node by folder path |
IsFolderPending | Checks if the folder has to be created |
IsRecordPending | Checks if the record has to be created |
PutUserToSharedFolder | Adds (if needed) user or team to the shared folder and set user access permissions. |
RemoveUserFromSharedFolder | Removes user or team from shared folder. |
Reset | Resets pending changes |
TryGetFolderByUid | Gets folder node by folder UID |
TryGetRecordByUid | Gets record by record UID. Returns both pending and active records. |
UpdateFolderName | Updates folder name |
UpdateRecord | Update a record |