IVaultData Interface

Defines properties and methods of decrypted Vault data.


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Vault
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
public interface IVaultData


ClientKey Gets client key. AES encryption key that encrypts data in the local storage Storage
Folders Get the list of all folders in the vault. Both user and shared folders.
KeeperRecords Get the list of all records in the vault.
RecordCount Gets the number of all records in the vault.
Records Get the list of all legacy records in the vault.
RecordTypes Gets list of all registered record types.
RootFolder Gets vault root folder. My Vault
SharedFolderCount Gets number of all shared folders in the vault.
SharedFolders Get the list of all shared folders in the vault.
Storage Gets encrypted vault storage.
TeamCount Gets the number of all teams user is member of.
Teams Get list of all teams user is member of.


LoadNonSharedDataT Loads non shared (or per user) data associated with the record.
TryGetAccountUid Gets user email by user account Uid
TryGetFolder Gets the folder associated with the specified folder UID.
TryGetKeeperRecord Gets the Keeper record associated with the specified record UID from a record cache.
TryGetRecord Gets the legacy record associated with the specified record UID.
TryGetRecordTypeByName Gets record type meta data associated with the record type name.
TryGetSharedFolder Gets shared folder associated with a specified record UID.
TryGetTeam Gets a team associated with a specified team UID.
TryGetUsername Gets user email by user account Uid
TryLoadKeeperRecord Tries to load a Keeper from storage. The loaded record can be modified and discarded without changing a record cache.

See Also