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IVaultData Interface

Defines properties and methods of decrypted Vault data.

Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Vault
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.0.5-beta11
public interface IVaultData

The IVaultData type exposes the following members.

Public propertyApplicationCount Gets number of all Keeper Secret Manager Applications.
Public propertyClientKey Gets client key. AES encryption key that encrypts data in the local storage Storage
Public propertyFolders Get the list of all folders in the vault. Both user and shared folders.
Public propertyKeeperApplications Gets list of all Keeper Secret Manager Applications.
Public propertyKeeperRecords Get the list of all records in the vault.
Public propertyRecordCount Gets the number of all records in the vault.
Public propertyRecordsObsolete.
Get the list of all legacy records in the vault.
Public propertyRecordTypes Gets list of all registered record types.
Public propertyRootFolder Gets vault root folder. My Vault
Public propertySharedFolderCount Gets number of all shared folders in the vault.
Public propertySharedFolders Get the list of all shared folders in the vault.
Public propertyStorage Gets encrypted vault storage.
Public propertyTeamCount Gets the number of all teams user is member of.
Public propertyTeams Get list of all teams user is member of.
Public methodLoadNonSharedDataT Loads non shared (or per user) data associated with the record.
Public methodTryGetFolder Gets the folder associated with the specified folder UID.
Public methodTryGetKeeperApplication Gets a KSM application associated with a specified team UID.
Public methodTryGetKeeperRecord Gets the legacy record associated with the specified record UID.
Public methodTryGetRecordObsolete.
Gets the legacy record associated with the specified record UID.
Public methodTryGetRecordTypeByName Gets record type meta data associated with the record type name.
Public methodTryGetSharedFolder Gets shared folder associated with a specified record UID.
Public methodTryGetTeam Gets a team associated with a specified team UID.
See Also