IAuthentication Interface

Defines properties and methods of connected Keeper authentication object.


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Authentication
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
public interface IAuthentication : IAuthEndpoint, 
IAuthEndpoint, IKeyLoader


AuthContext Gets authentication context


ExecuteAuthCommand Executes Keeper JSON command.
ExecuteAuthRest Executes Keeper Protobuf request.
Logout Logout from Keeper server.

Extension Methods

ExecuteAuthCommand Executes JSON authenticated command that does not return data.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
ExecuteAuthCommandTC Executes JSON authenticated command.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
ExecuteAuthCommandTC, TR Executes JSON authenticated command.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
ExecuteAuthRestTC, TR Executes Protobuf authenticated request.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
ExecuteBatch Execute JSON authenticated command in a batch
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
GetAvailableEvents Gets the list of all available audit events
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
GetEvents Gets audit events in descending order.
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
GetUserEvents Gets audit events for a user in descending order.
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
IsAuthenticated Gets authenticated flag.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)

See Also