EnterpriseData Class

Represents decrypted basic Enterprise data structures: Nodes, Users, Teams


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Enterprise
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
public class EnterpriseData : EnterpriseDataPlugin, 
Object    EnterpriseDataPlugin    EnterpriseData


EnterpriseData Instantiates EnterpriseData instance.


NodeCount Gets the number of all nodes in the enterprise.
Nodes Gets list of all enterprise nodes
RootNode Gets the Enterprise Root Node.
TeamCount Gets the number of all teams in the enterprise.
Teams Get the list of all teams in the enterprise.
UserCount Gets the number of all users in the enterprise.
Users Get the list of all users in the enterprise.


AddUsersToTeams Adds Users to Team.
CreateTeam Creates Enterprise Team.
DeleteTeam Deletes Enterprise Team.
DeleteUser Deletes an Enterprise User.
GetTeamsForUser Gets a list of team UID for the specified user.
GetUsersForTeam Gets a list of user IDs for specified team.
InviteUser Invites user to enterprise
RemoveUsersFromTeams Removes Users(s) from Team(s)
SetUserLocked Locks or Unlocks an Enterprise User.
TransferUserAccount Transfers Enterprise User account to another user.
TryGetNode Gets the enterprise node associated with the specified ID.
TryGetTeam Gets the enterprise team associated with the specified team UID.
TryGetUserByEmail Gets the enterprise user associated with the specified email address.
TryGetUserById Gets the enterprise user associated with the specified ID.
UpdateTeam Modifies Enterprise Team.

Extension Methods

CreateNode Creates Enterprise Node
(Defined by EnterpriseExtensions)
DeleteNode Deletes existing node
(Defined by EnterpriseExtensions)
SetRestrictVisibility Toggles "Node Isolation" flag for enterprise node.
(Defined by EnterpriseExtensions)
UpdateNode Updates existing node
(Defined by EnterpriseExtensions)

See Also