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AuthCommon Class

Represents base authentication class
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Authentication
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.0.5
public abstract class AuthCommon : IAuthentication, 
	IAuthEndpoint, IKeyLoader, IDisposable

The AuthCommon type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAuthContext Gets authentication context
Public propertyDeviceToken Gets device token
Public propertyEndpoint Gets a keeper server endpoint
Public propertyUsername Gets user email address.
Public methodDisposePerforms application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
Public methodExecuteAuthCommand Executes Keeper JSON command.
Public methodExecuteAuthRest Executes Keeper Protobuf request.
Public methodLoadTeamKeys Load team's keys
Public methodLoadUsersKeys Loads user's keys
Public methodLogout Logout from Keeper server.
Public methodTryGetTeamKeys Gets team's keys.
Public methodTryGetUserKeys Gets user's keys.
Extension Methods
Public Extension MethodExecuteAuthCommand Executes JSON authenticated command that does not return data.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExecuteAuthCommandTC Executes JSON authenticated command.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExecuteAuthCommandTC, TR Executes JSON authenticated command.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExecuteAuthRestTC, TR Executes Protobuf authenticated request.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
Public Extension MethodExecuteBatch Execute JSON authenticated command in a batch
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetAvailableEvents Gets the list of all available audit events
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetEvents Gets audit events in descending order.
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
Public Extension MethodGetUserEvents Gets audit events for a user in descending order.
(Defined by AuditLogExtensions)
Public Extension MethodIsAuthenticated Gets authenticated flag.
(Defined by AuthExtensions)
See Also