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IVault Interface

Defines methods for modifying the vault records and folders.

Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Vault
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.0.5-beta11
public interface IVault : IVaultData

The IVault type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAutoSync Gets or Sets automatic sync down flag.
Public propertyVaultUi Gets Vault user interaction interface.
Public methodAuditLogRecordCopyPassword Records "copy_password" audit event for enterprise accounts
Public methodAuditLogRecordOpen Records "open_record" audit event for enterprise accounts
Public methodCancelSharesWithUser Cancels all shares with a user.
Public methodCreateFolder Creates a folder.
Public methodCreateRecord Creates a password record.
Public methodDeleteFolder Delete folder.
Public methodDeleteRecords Deletes records.
Public methodGetSharesForRecords Retrieves record sharing information.
Public methodGetTeamsForShare Retrieves all enterprise team descriptions.
Public methodGetUserPublicKeys Gets user public keys.
Public methodGetUsersForShare Retrieves all known users for sharing
Public methodMoveFolder Moves a folder to the another folder.
Public methodMoveRecords Moves records to a folder.
Public methodRenameFolder Renames a folder.
Public methodRevokeShareFromUser Removes a record share from a user
Public methodSendShareInvitationRequest Sends share invitation request to the user.
Public methodShareRecordWithUser Shares a record with a user
Public methodStoreNonSharedDataT Stores non shared (or per user) data associated with the record.
Public methodTransferRecordToUser Transfers a record to user
Public methodUpdateFolder Renames a folder.
Public methodUpdateRecord Modifies a password record.
Public methodUpdateRecords Modifies multiple password records.
See Also