VaultOnline Class

Represents Keeper Vault connected to Keeper server.


Namespace: KeeperSecurity.Vault
Assembly: KeeperSdk (in KeeperSdk.dll) Version: 1.1.0
Object    VaultData    VaultOnline
ISecretManager, IVault, IVaultData, IVaultFileAttachment, IVaultSharedFolder


VaultOnline Instantiate VaultOnline instance.


Auth Gets Keeper authentication.
AutoSync Gets or sets vault auto sync flag.
VaultUi Gets User Interaction interface.


AddSecretManagerClient Adds a client/device to Secret Manager Application
AuditLogRecordCopyPassword Records "copy_password" audit event for enterprise accounts
AuditLogRecordOpen Records "open_record" audit event for enterprise accounts
CancelSharesWithUser Cancels all shares with a user.
ChangeRecordInSharedFolder Changes record permissions in shared folder.
CreateFolder Creates a folder.
CreateRecord Creates a password record.
CreateSecretManagerApplication Creates Secret Manager Application
DeleteAttachment Deletes file attachment.
DeleteFolder Delete folder.
DeleteRecords Deletes records.
DeleteSecretManagerApplication Deletes Secret Manager Application
DeleteSecretManagerClient Deletes a client/device from Secret Manager Application
DownloadAttachment Downloads and decrypts file attachment.
GetConfiguration Creates SecretsManager Configuration Storage
GetSecretManagerApplication Gets Keeper Secret Manager Application Details
GetSharesForRecords Retrieves record sharing information.
GetTeamsForShare Retrieves all enterprise team descriptions.
GetUsersForShare Retrieves all known users for sharing
MoveFolder Moves a folder to the another folder.
MoveRecords Moves records to a folder.
PutUserToSharedFolder Adds (if needed) user or team to the shared folder and set user access permissions.
RecordAttachments Returns Record attachments
RemoveUserFromSharedFolder Removes user or team from shared folder.
RenameFolder Renames a folder.
RevokeShareFromUser Removes a record share from a user
ScheduleSyncDown Schedules sync down.
SendShareInvitationRequest Sends share invitation request to the user.
ShareRecordWithUser Shares a record with a user
ShareToSecretManagerApplication Grants Shared Folder or Record Access to Secret Manager Application
StoreNonSharedDataT Stores non shared (or per user) data associated with the record.
SyncDown Immediately executes sync down.
TransferRecordToUser Transfers a record to user
UnshareFromSecretManagerApplication Revokes Shared Folder or Record access from Secret Manager Application
UpdateFolder Renames a folder.
UpdateRecord Modifies a password record.
UpdateRecords Modifies multiple password records.
UploadAttachment Encrypts and uploads file attachment.

Extension Methods

AdjustTypedRecord Verifies Typed record.
(Defined by RecordTypesUtils)
CreateExternalRecordShare Creates an external share for a record
(Defined by ExternalRecordShareExtensions)
DeleteExernalRecordShares Deletes external shares for a record
(Defined by ExternalRecordShareExtensions)
GetExernalRecordShares Retrieve external shares for a record
(Defined by ExternalRecordShareExtensions)
ImportJson Import Keeper JSON file
(Defined by KeeperImport)

See Also